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Monday, September 6, 2010

My first blog for you to think about

Hey bloggers,
This of course is my first blog on this site. I dont know how people normally start off, so I'm gonna start off with, well, why I came up with my blog. I want somewhere that I can complain and get advice from complete strangers and make a descision in the end for myself. I also just want a place to get things off my chest. Now if this goes the way I hope it does, there will be polls and stuff like that to help me quickly decide what I should do. Ok, heres my first problem, my so called friends took a road trip without me. Now not a big deal and even I know that, its the fact that we have been "planning" this trip together for a little bit now. And when I mean "planning" I mean we talked about it once, and decided that we were gonna wait until my schedule for the week before was all clear. Now they went and took the trip. My friend thinks that its ok to up and leave on this amazing trip without even a warning. She said that they "stopped" by my house and no one was home but my mom just told me that she was home all day. So I doubt they stopped and there are other ways to get ahold of me. So I dont know what to do. Should I continue to be mad at her and my other friends or should I say w/e. (heres some other info you should know before making a descision: she has left me at a club by myself before, got mad at me even after I tried countless times to return her cds then came back and yelled at me for stealing her cds even though I told her I had them and have been trying to return them, and the whole "you're never home" bit is a lie cuz I'm always home. My other friends they are kinda reliable but sometimes make the wrong choices but most of the time they make the wrong choices when my other friend is around) ok plz help!!!

just some stuff to think about!

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